Voicemail is one of the greatest tools employed on modern phone systems including on the Avaya IP Office.
It allows callers to leave detailed messages. These voice mail messages can be retrieved at any Avaya handset or even sent to a users email inbox. This way they can get messages no matter where they are.
With the Avaya IP Office phone system there are two very different versions of Voicemail available – Voicemail Lite which is also known as Embedded voicemail and Voicemail Pro.
It depends which software version you choose for your Avaya IP Office Essential Edition (lite/embedded voicemail) or Preferred Edition (voicemail pro). In Australia all IP office systems sold come standard with Essential Edition (lite/embedded voicemail) out of the box.
For most users there is no requirement to upgrade to the Preferred Edition software at additional expense. The Avaya Voicemail Lite that comes embedded or free with the Essential Edition is incredibly powerful and will suit most of customers.